24 th
24 th
On behalf of Karolina and her Mom, we would like to thank all who contributed to the fundraising event “Coffee and Cake for Karolina” on March 24, those who baked so many delicious cakes, those who volunteered their time to help during the event and, of course, those who donated the funds to her treatment.
We would also like to thank for the donation from the farewell breakfast for Mary Mizenko.
Special thanks to priest Waldemar and to priest Marek for a wonderful service and his encouraging words Karolina will never forget.
Thank you for being true friends to Karolina in this difficult time, for supporting her and for welcoming her in your homes in the months to come.
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Serdeczne Bóg zapłać!
– Organizers (Karolina’s Friends)
The winners of the Lottery:
Gift Basket: Kris Wisniewski
Mazurek: Gosia Walczak
Decorative Leather Bowl: Dr. Barbara Burzynski
Photos by Stan Aponiuk and others
Please continue supporting Karolina in her fight with brain cancer!
Brak mi słów , aby wyrazić swoją wdzięczność za okazaną mi pomoc …
Jedyne co mogę w chwili obecnej to powiedzieć zwykłe DZIĘKUJĘ dla wszystkich NIEZWYKŁYCH osób za okazywaną mi pomoc …
Yesterday’s “Coffee and cake for Karolina” was a fantastic and in many ways unprecedented event within the Polish Parish and Polish community in Houston.
I was a serendipitous occurrence, the after mass event of Palm Sunday, start of the Holy Week concluding with the Easter and the Resurrection. The people of our parish together with Father Waldemar created a social event which has had a far more reaching effect than they perhaps anticipated. This (non)ordinary event has opened hearts of so many for Karolina in Houston, five thousand miles away from her home. It gave her strong support and hope to win her struggle. It has also given hope to many among us, the message, they are not alone, they will find help when they need it. Yesterday’s Palm Sunday “Coffee and Cake for Karolina” wonderfully reinforced the message of this Holy Week: keep up your hope and believe, He will prevail and help you when you need it the most. Congratulations to all involved 🙂