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Polish American Council of Texas

  Polish American Council of Texas is a non-profit organization established in 2011 with the following Mission Statement: To further knowledge of Polish culture, traditions, language, arts, current affairs, and statewide events in Texas To…

Polish Folk Dance Group Wawel

The Polish Folk Dance Group Wawel is a non-profit performing group dedicated to promoting Polish culture through song and dance. The group consists of high school, college, graduate students and adults. Facebook – YouTube  

Polish American Chamber of Commerce in Texas

Founded in Houston in 2017, the Polish American Chamber of Commerce in Texas is a non-profit organization serving to connect and facilitate business interests between Poland and Texas; and in a broader sense between Poland…

Texas A&M Polish Association

Texas A&M Polish Association is a new organization for Texans of Polish ancestry. This organization’s purpose is to spread appreciation of Polish culture and heritage in Aggieland. No knowledge or experience with Polish culture is…

Polska Szkoła imienia Mikołaja Kopernika

Szkoła Polska im. M. Kopernika powstała  20 marca 1982 roku i w pierwszym roku swojej działalności szkoła liczyła 17 uczniów i 3 nauczycieli. Obecnie szkoła liczy 70 dzieci i 5 nauczycieli oraz 2 asystentki nauczycieli. …

Our Lady of Czestochowa, Parish

Parafia rzymsko-katolicka pw. Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej otacza działalnością duszpasterską polskich emigrantów w Houston oraz z okolic Texasu, umacnia ich w wierze, podtrzymuje więzi duchowe z Ojczyzną, integruje z kościołem lokalnym a także pielęgnuje polskie narodowe…

The Texas Chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation

The Texas Chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation was founded in 1993 to support the activities of the Kosciuszko Foundation, but also to become directly involved in cultural exchange between two friendly peoples. We work with…

The Sarmatian Review

The Sarmatian Review is a scholarly journal on the history, culture, and society of Central and Eastern Europe, with strong attention to Poland, the post-Soviet period, and American ethnic issues. Recent issues have covered religion…

Polish National Alliance

The PNA didn’t just happen! It was formed by men and women like you — hard working people who wanted the very best for their families and friends, most of whom back in 1880 were…

Polish Genealogical Society of Texas

The Polish Genealogical Society of Texas is a non-profit organization founded in 1982. Purpose The Polish Genealogical Society of Texas is dedicated to dissemination and sharing of information in assisting members research their Polish ancestors….

The Polish Society of Houston

Ognisko Polskie (Polish Society of Houston) was created in 1994 to promote the Polish language and culture. After 20 years it has been closed on March 9, 2014.

The Polish American Congress

The Polish American Congress is a National Umbrella Organization, representing at least 10 million Americans of Polish descent and origin. Its membership is comprised of fraternal, educational, veteran, religious, cultural, social, business, political organizations and…

Chopin Society of Houston

The Chopin Society of Houston was established at the beginning of the year 2000, after a very successful Chopin Youth Competition in 1999, organized to honor the 150th anniversary of Chopin’s death. As UNESCO proclaimed…