Accommodation for Polish Students Working This Summer in Texas

Polish exchange students currently working in Uvalde, Fredericksburg and Kerrville need help finding a place to stay. Southwestern Advantage has organized their internship but they have to find a place to live themselves. They are staying in motels now.

Are there Polish Families willing to provide accommodation for these young people?

  • There are 2 students in each town.
  • They will stay till September 14, 2023.
  • Three of them have cars, others move around on bicycles.

“I am a college student from Poland and I am living and working in amazing Texas this summer with a small group of international students. 🙂 Our internship is with an education company here. I am looking for a host family here, locally in Uvalde, Fredericksburg and Kerrville. I am the one responsible for finding a safe place for everybody.
That is why I will be posting in a couple of groups, also in neighboring towns – I just want to make sure everybody will find a place to stay.
We are happy to be able to visit the US this summer and learn more about your culture and also share a bit of ours!
😊 If needed, I can provide references from our past summers. 🙂 We are working 13 hours every day to earn our way through college, so we do not need much, only a safe place to sleep so our parents back home feel a bit calmer about us being here. 🙂
We are already in Texas, currently living in motels. We are very quiet and willing to pay our utilities. If you know anybody who has a spare room and would be willing to help us out, please let them know about our situation – I would greatly appreciate it.”

If you can help, please contact
Edyta Gawrysiak, tel. +48-783-410-895,
Student Manager, Southwestern Advantage
Kacper Kozioł