Congratulations to Thalía Krüger

Congratulations to Thalía Krüger, SNAME Texas Section Vice-chair on successful 17th Offshore Symposium “Pushing Boundaries in the Global Industry”.  There were 150 persons in attendance, 20 excellent papers presented. One track of the session organized and presented by Shanghai SNAME.


SNAME –  Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Arun Anthony, Donald Burris, Thalia Kruger

Arun Anthony, Section Secretary-Treasurer; Donald Burris, Symposium chair, Thalia Kruger, Section vice-chair during registration

Rod Allan, Peter Noble, Donald Burris, Thalia Kruger, Arun Anthony, Section secretary-treasurer; Jason Petten, Membership chair; Harry Ren

Rod Allan, SNAME Executive Committee, Peter Noble, SNAME president elect; Donald Burris, Symposium chair; Thalia Kruger, section vice-chair; Arun Anthony, Section secretary-treasurer; Jason Petten, Membership chair; Harry Ren. member, during the afternoon coffee break

Thalia Kruger, section vice-chair, introducing the technical paper

Thalia Kruger, section vice-chair, introducing the technical paper "AURORA BOREALIS, POLAR RESEARCH & DRILLING VESSEL: PROPULSION & STATION KEEPING IN SOLID DRIFT ICE" by Dietmar Deter and Willy Doelling

