New poetry book

Maja Trochimczyk is sharing news about her new poetry book “Slicing the Bread,” Children’s Survival Manual in 25 Poems

I’m thrilled to share with you the news that Finishing Line Press accepted for publication my poetry chapbook “Slicing the Bread” based on WWII memories of children from my family.  “Slicing the Bread,” Children’s Survival Manual in 25 Poems  will appear on October 25, 2014.  This collection, based on traumatic war memories of my family and the long shadow of the Holocaust and war over my Polish childhood,  is my third poetry book and  can be ordered now to be shipped in October.  The limited edition’s pre-publication sales will determine the press run, so, please, reserve your copy now.
The books cost $14 each plus $2.99 for shipping for the first book in a package and $1.99 for each additional book. Please feel  free to send copies of this flyer or forward this email to others who might be interested.
You can order your copy of “Slicing the Bread” on Finishing Line Press website at look for new releases or go directly to the link: 
Alternatively, you may fill out and mail the form that is attached to this email.
Either way, I will be very happy if you order and read my book. It came “out of nowhere” after my mother died and I suddenly realized that I’m forgetting the sad war stories she told me…
“If six million Jews and three million non-Jewish Poles were killed by Germans in Poland, don’t they each deserve at least one poem, one story?” Can poetry help? Can sharing the sorrow enlighten? Read the book and judge for yourself. The pre-sale period ends on September 25, 2014.
For more information about the book and comments by poets John Z. Guzlowski, Lois P. Jones, and Georgia Jones-Davis, please visit my blog:
Thank you for your interest and support,