Forum Polonia Houston website is a politically neutral platform, which neither supports nor opposes the political opinion expressed in the article below. It is a private opinion of the author.
Zbigniew Wojciechowski
I am not casting my vote for the incumbent President of Poland
Next Sunday Poles will vote in a hybrid election to choose who will occupy the Presidential Palace in Warsaw for the next 5 years. There are two candidates left, the incumbent President Andrzej Duda and the challenger, present mayor of the capital of Poland Rafał Trzaskowski. Recent polls show a small advantage of the incumbent President but many believe all is possible. the portal of the Houston Polonia included this past weekend the article by Ewa Thompson: “How media coverage of Polish election shows the American media’s incredible bias against conservatives” which was published by the conservative online magazine
I was not surprised by the narrative Ewa Thompson used in the article, it is widely used throughout the Law and Justice (PIS) propaganda outlets to promote President Andrzej Duda and discredit his opponent Rafał Trzaskowski. In almost 40 years I have lived in America I have slowly become immune to the harsh language and all out fight political candidates endured for votes of constituents that would take them to the Capitol Hill, the White House or the State level offices. Following closely political events in Poland I have not however accepted of both the form and the substance in the language used by parliamentarians, politicians and some media commentators. First the hatred and second the divisiveness on the scale never seen before.
It occurred to me that the criteria for publication were the strong conservative views of the writers never minding the facts. I am not saying all the publications fit that description, I am sure there are some, perhaps many that are based on well supported facts and data, reliable information and accurate commentary.
Unfortunately, the article by Ewa Thompson falls short of the latter description. It contains eloquently presented arguments shared by the members of the ruling party (PIS) in Poland in furious defense of the incumbent President in order to secure his re-election this coming Sunday. It is all out war and there are no rules of engagement. Anything that can tarnish the challenger Rafał Trzaskowski is good regardless if it’s an insinuation, gossip or a ruthless lie. No one has time to check the facts, the more outrageous accusations the better. No one is counting.
Let’s check some facts and start from the second paragraph of the article, Ewa Thompson writes “Under Duda’s leadership, Poland launched major investment programs” and later “Duda’s government has improved the standard of living of the poorest citizens by giving families a $125 bonus”, really? Isn’t is stretching Duda’s accomplishments too far. In his 32 legislative initiatives he never mentioned investments proposal to build a canal nor the mega-airport. These were initiatives of the Polish Government and Duda is not the head of the Polish Government. Giving Duda credit for 500+ is an absurd, it was Kaczyński’s idea implemented by Szydło’s Government. “Duda substantially curbed corruption”, another missed statement, the President of Poland does not have an executive power nor institution to carry on tax crime. It was the effort of the Ministry of Finance in the Szydło and Morawiecki governments to curb VAT abuses.
In the claim that “billions of dollars left Poland annually” Ewa Thompson copies insinuations by President Duda at his rallies, that so called “VAT Gap” was allowed to leave Poland under the Civic Platform government. The actual numbers of the VAT gap are not that difficult to find at the Internet. In the seven years of Civic Platform government (2008-2015) the VAT Gap added up to approximately 270 billions of Polish złoty. During the same time Polish firms generated 71 – 74 % of GNP. One may assume that 26-29% were international corporations, 79 billions złoty were allegedly deposited in banks outside of Poland. 79 billion złoty that is $21 billions divided by 7 years roughly 3 billion a year. International corporations enjoyed lower taxes, which must have been an incentive to do business in Poland and negotiated by the government. The remaining VAT Gap money stayed in Poland. It was a common practice then, to pay with cash for services, avoiding VAT or issue lower invoices with bilateral agreement, for the same reason. The extra cash (190 billion złoty) stayed home and was likely condoned as a driving vehicle for the Poland’s economy.
Now the Law and Justice party is providing Duda with all the credit, in the attempt to help him win election. President Duda by law is not a member of the party, these are not his initiatives nor his achievements. Duda’s Constitutional duties include to defend the Polish Constitution and be a Commander in Chief of the Polish military.
When it comes to Trzaskowski there is a coordinated effort to tarnish his character and reputation in the eyes of voters.
Ewa Thompson writes: “Duda’s good looking opponent, Rafał Trzaskowski, proved himself to be singularly inept manager. In 2019, Warsaw’s sever system failed and untreated sewage poured directly to the Vistula”. Trzaskowski is blamed by Duda’s camp for something he had no control of, to show, he is not fit to be a President. The Sewer Treatment Plant “Czajka”, one of two in Warsaw and the largest in the Eastern Europe, it was build according to the design prepared in 1970s. After opening in early 1990s, it was already not up to the international standards. After Poland joined the EU the plant was rebuilt to comply with the EU standards and re-opened in 2012. In late August 2019 one of two pipelines under the Vistula River carrying the waste from the west part of the city cracked and started leaking. The choices Warsaw Council had were: to let it drain to the Vistula River or flood the city streets. Trzaskowski choose the lesser disaster. He then asked the Prime Minister Morawiecki for help (the corporations able to make such repairs were State owned). BTW according to the Polskie Wody website, 100 km down the river from Warsaw in Płock concentrations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and ChZTcr (the index of water contamination) never exceeded normal levels. There was the warning, however, all the way to the Baltic Sea not to use Vistula’s water, swim or fish in the river.
President Duda, personally at his home may not be homophobic but he preaches all sorts of phobias including, homophobia, LGBT phobia, gender phobia. I don’t understand how anyone who lives in the United States, has accepted the US Constitution (when becoming US citizen) and abides the local law can sympathize with the bigotry in the country of origin, that is a deceiving virtue?
Duda vetoed a legislation introduced by Polish parliament (Sejm) in 2016 which would allow gay people partnerships and now in the peak of his campaign he wants to write into the Polish Constitution a ban for homosexual couples to adopt a child. It is rushed, to be presented before Sunday’s elections, with an intend to show his love of a family. Never mind same sex couples who already are raising children. If President Duda is not homophobic why doesn’t he oppose so called Free of LGBT Zones established in communities where PIS has Council majorities. It is his Constitutional duty to protect all the citizens of Poland.
The cherry on the cake is Ewa Thompson claim that over 5 million Poles that voted for Trzaskowski on June 28 are descendants of the Communist Party members, collaborators and grandchildren of the communist secret police.
This is cruel and degrading to those who have a different point of view from her.
Trzaskowski is for progress, that is a true fact, but why to allege, he is to promote a “sexual liberation”. Sorry I will not even comment here.
Conservatives and liberals everywhere differ in their approach to the World and to life, on some issues the gap between them seems to be unbreachable. The liberals always opt and promote progress while the conservatives stick to traditions, radical interpretation of religion and generally to the status quo. Progress however, as we learn from history continues to advance in science, technology, social life and even in the religious life despite the opposition.
Conservatives in Poland listen to Kaczyński and his party rhetoric. They have unfortunately allowed themselves to have resurrected long buried antisemitism, bigotry, racial injustice and radical sentiments under the banners of tradition, family values and protection of the faith and the way of life. It is the Polish version of the Western conservatives opposition against the globalization and migration. Clever politicians of Polish United Right use a fear of demons (migrants, LGBT, western values, sexual revolution) strategy to build the society which is intolerant, radical in their beliefs and against social progress. Convincing arguments of their dedication to people are monetary incentives (with exception of 500+ program which was long overdue). This approach in my opinion, although socially acclaimed as a success, deprives people dependent on the State subsidies of ingenuity, ambition, enthusiasm and out of the box thinking to say at least. It locks women at home to serve family despite their aspirations. Monetary distribution programs complement the Government efforts to enhance economy by more spending power but in the long run makes the low income people totally dependent on the State.
Democracy, the best governing system to date, allows nations to be govern by representatives chosen during general election. They are generally either conservatives or liberals. But if any parliamentary majority, or individuals elected to the public office, regardless of the country, take their power too far, there is a regulatory mechanism for citizens to prevent the pendulum swinging too far to right or too far to left.
I am not casting my ballot to the incumbent.
Prezydent Duda dostal olbrzymie poparcie z wiejskiej czyli gminnej Polski, ale nie wszyscy rozumieja co to na prawde oznacza? To nie znaczy ze byli to wylacznie rolnicy ktorzy maja gospodarstwa czy tez jakis “ciemny lud”, ktory nie ma swiatla i internetu.
Od wielu lat spedzam kilka letnich miesiecy w Polsce i z uwaga sledze zmiany ktore nastepuja w naszym kraju. Okazuje sie ze Polska jest tym wyjatkowym krajem gdzie ludnosc wiejska wzrasta a nie maleje, a przeciez w czasach industralizacji to jest niemozliwe? Owszem, jest. W Polsce nastapilo zjawisko pod tytulem: ucieczka z miasta. Miasta (duze i male) maja wyraznie wyznaczone granice, a poza ich granicami jest juz gmina. I tu jest problem, miasta maja za malo powierzchni do budowy wielomieszkaniowych osiedli i potrzebujac wiecej przestrzeni probuja zmuszac gminy do oddawania ich ziemi, ale niestety nie jest to latwe istnieja nawet spory pod tytulem “miasto sie dusi” (dotarly te kwestie do sadow wyzszych itd). Gminy uwazaja ze problemu nie ma, a wrecz zachecaja ludzi z miasta do budowy na ich terenie ale musza to byc domki jednorodzinne. I wten oto sposob ludzie opuszczaja miasta i buduja swoje domy na obrzezach , ktore naleza juz do gmin czyli polskich wsi. Oczywiscie sprzyja tej sytuacji fakt ze wszyscy juz posiadaja samochody i z latwoscia moga dojechac do pracy do miasta. Cena mieszkania w duzych miastach jest bardzo wysoka, a domek jednorodzinny w okolicznej wsi ma znacznie nizsza cene. Poza tym wiele bardzo zamoznych ludzi mieszka na wsiach, blisko miast, ze wzgledu na czyste powietrze, przyrode itd.,na przyklad Konstancin-Jeziorna kolo Warszawy to gmina, czy tam mieszka wiejski lud? To sa po prostu po naszemu “suburbs” wokol malych i duz miast. Mysle, ze mozna sie bac (ha ha), bo moze byc jeszcze wiecej tych wiejskich glosow za 5 lat!
Maria, you are absolutely right. But they still understand nothing. They still don’t understand because they have a contempt for people who think differently. No dispute, discussion just contempt.
I would like to include the voice from Poland written by Ms Wanda Jakubowska former press secretary of Prime Minister Oleksy (SLD) and Prime Minister Cimoszewicz (SLD)
Prezydent wiejsko-koscielny.
Doskonale podsumowanie wyborow, tj. procesu i wynikow w Polityce (Polityka to polskie pismo, nie potrzeba go chyba re-polonizowac?).,1,
Wybory w Polsce trudno nazwac demokratycznymi. W USA poddajemy sie krytriom procesu wyborczego natomiast bedziemy ‘walczyc’ o zabetonowanie anachronizow spoleczno-politycznych w Polsce, ktora podobno tak kochamy! Tradycja, rodzina, Matka Boska I to wystarczy. A Pendolino to nie cywilizacja, cywiliacja to zachowania ludzi. I potrzebna jest w Polsce rewolucja obyczajowa zeby mogla ona zostac uznana jako czesc swiata zachodniego. Uznana, a nie tylko samo-nazwana. Gdy ‘robta co chceta’ ma wystarczac, to trzeba byc samowystarczlnym. Za 9 mld Euro roczniej jalmuzny netto trzeba bedzie Pana sluchac. I juz niedlugo trzeba bedzie te zabe LGTB i in. przelknac. Postepu nie da sie zatrzymac. Cieszy, ze tak wielu rodakow w Houston to rozumie.
Dr, Wojciechowski sie pogubił jak go odsunęli od funkcji honorowego konsula w Houston kiedy rząd polski postanowił otworzyć polski konsulat z prawdziwego zdarzenia…
Who is right and who is wrong?
In less than 24 hours will know who the president of Poland is for the next 5 years. I am surprise how much emotion the two articles by Dr. Ewa Thompson and Dr. Zbyszek Wojciechowski created in Houston Polonia in the last few days. The commentaries are well beyond the subjects of the original writings. It is my understanding that Dr. Wojciechowski’s riposte to Dr. Thompson article was to correct her rhetoric on president Duda global accomplishments and candidate Trzaskowski’s presumed incompetence in number of Warsaw civil projects or general life style. I think it was a positive exchange of different opinions on the political climate that may be vital for this presidential election in Poland. Unfortunately, the Forum responded with all kinds of unnecessary accusations, often not relevant to the original subject matters, just to advance their voices. In fact, I am impressed with Dr. Wojciechowski’s thorough research on the subjects presented by Dr. Thompson and fully agree that before publishing the opinion one should confirm the facts to present his/her judgement to the public. For me the polemic between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Wojciechowski was very positive and let me solidify my opinion about who should I vote for.
“Clever politicians of Polish United Right use a fear of demons (migrants, LGBT, western values, sexual revolution) strategy to build the society which is intolerant, radical in their beliefs and against social progress.”
”It locks women at home to serve family despite their aspirations.”
The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding! Maybe some women rather serve their family than corporations that overwork them only to outsource their jobs to lower wage countries after they’ve dedicated so many years of service.
All this talk about misogyny is absurd! Poland’s is not the backwards country that these anti-PiS activists claim. It is a slander of the Polish conservatives and patriots!
If Poland would be such a bad country for Poland, then Poland wouldn’t be the safest country for women in continental Europe. Only Malta and Iceland are much safer. Malta is a Catholic country (with the nationalist party being the second largest party), and Iceland still pretty homogenous and Scandinavian in background.
Sweden and Norway have higher levels of rapes per capita than Poland. The same with the UK, Germany and France. Those are the new “western values” that Platforma Obywatelska support. Do Monika and Mr. Wojciechowski care if rapes will go up in Poland from taking in many refugees from non western backgrounds? How will that make Poland closer to “western values” that you claim to support? Will the 2000+ migrants who sexually assaulted German women during Sylwester in Cologne, teach us these “western values”? Leftists are unhappy when a population is too European, and especially too Christian. They see such a population as faulty and in great need of improvement. They want refugees from places that have no respect for women, where rape and other violence against women is a normal thing. It should be no surprise that Poland would experience the same surge in rapes as has occurred in the countries that have taken in migrants. Women are just collateral damage in the cult of multiculturalism, and if it leads to more rapes, the leftists don’t care.
South Africa has a rape rate of 132.4 per 100,000 citizens.
Botswana is 92.9.
Sweden 63.50
United States 27.30
Norway 19.20.
France 16.20
Germany 9.40
Poland 4.10 per 100,000 citizens.
Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve
Jestem ciekaw ilu z Was, co tutaj komentuje i wystawia swoje elokwentne opinie na temat Polski, faktycznie mieszka w Polsce? Ja mieszkałem w Houston 32 lata. Jestem teraz w Polsce od ponad 6 lat i teraz widzę co tu się dzieje na co dzień i co faktycznie Polacy myślą i doświadczają. Mieszkałem też w Warszawie 4 lata i osobiście doświadczyłem niekompetencje Trzaskowskiego oraz rozdawnictwo PiS’owskie. Nie popieram żadnego z kandydatów i osobiście nie będę głosować ale jeśli Trzaskowski wygra to będzie początek końca Polski która i tak w większości już jest sprzedana obcym interesom. Na koniec dodam to, że Polska jest podobnie podzielona jak USA. Prawie 50/50 między lewicą a prawicą, chociaż prawica ma lekką przewagę. We wszystkich dużych, a nawet średnich miastach, rządzi głównie lewica, a na prowincjach, prawica, gdzie są osoby bardziej konserwatywne i gdzie statystycznie żyje większość populacji.
Bez różnicy kto wygra, przyszłość Polski nie wygląda ciekawie. Jeśli Wy wszyscy, Houstońscy Polacy, tak mocno się martwicie o Polskę i jej przyszłość, to co do cholery jeszcze robicie w USA? Wracajcie do Polski, do swojej ojczyzny, bo na odległość to możecie sobie gadać pierdołki do nieskończoności.
Jedno co dobre w obecnej sytuacji to jest to, że teraz wszystkim maski schodzą z twarzy i na prawdę widać kto jest kim. Wątpię żeby Dr. Wojciechowski był teraz tak mile widziany w kręgach lokalnej Polonii i udawał tak wspaniałego katolika.
Dr. Wojciechowski.
You constantly engage in antisemitism hysteria. This is ironic, because you support political actions that would result in Poland becoming a dangerous place for Jews. I have learned quite a bit about Polish culture. I have many Polish friends. We often have discussions about politics and compare Israel to Poland. While we have some people in Israel that share your views, Trzaskowski could never be a successful political leader in Israel. Israel has high-tech very tall fortified walls. These walls were built to keep out non-Israelis. When African immigrants were sneaking into Israel, the government warned people about migrants raping Jewish women. The government made an agreement for Sweden to take them. Gay marriage is a taboo thing in Israel. Except for the recent scandal involving one municipality, it is extremely hard to get a loophole for gay relationships to be recognized by the government. They have to get married in a foreign country, and then try to get it recognized. Israel is an ethnostate. There was a book targeted to Israeli schoolchildren about a romance between a Jewish girl and Palestinian boy. That book was banned by our government because they labeled it a “threat to our Jewish identity.” It is illegal for Jews to marry non Jews in Israel. You have to both be declared without a religion. I do not agree with what Mossad is doing regarding the Epstein child trafficking of white Christian girls. I must make it clear that I am 100% against that! But I commend my government for not only protecting Israeli citizens, but also Jews around the world. One thing that is special about Israel, is that unlike other countries, Israel protects its people. Israel will never be diverse like the UK or France. Israel will never allow her Jewish identity to be erased. European politicians like Ewa Kopacz and Rafał Trzaskowski do not care if the ethnic Poles are replaced with people from other parts of the world. Let me tell you as a Jew, that Poland is much safer when Catholic Poles are the dominant demographic. Jews in France and other European countries with large Muslim and other antisemitic refugee populations are at a higher risk of experiencing antisemitic attacks. This is the future you would like for Poland, since you support policies that would make Warsaw a multicultural terrorist haven like London or Paris.
Let’s quit once and for all these Jewish issues, problems etc.. We are in Poland and we are electing the President of a free Poland, not Israel, not jews nothing like that. All arrogant jewish claims toward Poland, totally baseless are not helping anything. Let the claims be paid by those who started the war, not Poland! Go away!
Samson, Let’s quit once and for all these Jewish issues, problems etc.. We are in Poland and we are electing the President of a free Poland, not Israel, not jews nothing like that. All arrogant jewish claims toward Poland, totally baseless are not helping anything. Let the claims be paid by those who started the war, not Poland! Go away!
Swoj, I will not go away. Polish politics is so interesting!
I know who started the war.
Germany and the Soviet Union started the war by attacking Poland. Yet Rafał Trzaskowski, his buddy Tusk, and the other PO crooks want Poland to be a playground for foreign oligarchs based primarily in Germany. Fortunately, in Israel this would never happen! The major private media conglomerates are foriegn owned in Poland. Do you think these foreign owned corporations have Poland’s interest at heart? Duda is someone the Israeli politicians have to deal with. He doesn’t bow down to them, so they treat him differently than Kwaśniewski, who was seen as a not very intelligent person. Same with Komorowski. Some worry that Duda will make Poland an economic competitor to Israel. Maybe that’s why he fascinates me. Trzaskowski works for whomever pays him the most. That could be the EU banks, German corporations, Saudi Arabia, Israel… whoever gives him money. He is like Tusk. The last person he cares about is the Polish voter. PO has gutted as many Polish state assets as they could, for the benefit of foreign competitors. Somehow their friends gained formerly state-owned assets for pennies on the dollar, and they still managed to keep their fanatical supporters. Maybe it’s thanks to TVN and the other foreign media.
Rafał Trzaskowski’s competency comes into question.
How would he deal with a new type of pandemic or other crisis when he couldn’t even handle a city sewage problem?
How is Trzaskowski going to deal with Erdogan or the rising refugee crisis? Is he going to follow Merkel’s example?
Dr. Wojciechowski loves to throw around accusations of antisemitism. But how can Dr. Wojciechowski assure us that by Poland becoming more Islamic or Turkified it will make Poland less antisemitic than it is currently with a Slavic Catholic majority? For the record, I do not consider Poland to be an antisemitic country. Israel and sometimes even non-Jewish groups use accusations of antisemitism as a political tool to silence or pressure an opponent.(Sound familiar Dr. Wojciechowski?) I feel safe in Poland. False accusations of antisemitism can confuse people. Make Jews feel scared to go to Poland, and instead go to Germany or France where they have in fact, a much higher chance of being physically attacked by violent anti-semite migrants.
This election is going to be very exciting.
“Can Germany Protect Its Jews and Welcome Muslim Migrants?”
Samson, I don’t see a point why you attack Dr. Wojciechowski. I don’t see he claimed he is anti-Jewish. If I were you, I would feel much safer in Poland ruled by president Trzaskowski than by Duda and his xenophobic party. Nobody would suddenly invite the hordes of radical Muslims to Poland just because Trzaskowski and his party is more friendly to the foreigners. Poland is not in such critical situation like Israel in the Middle East who doesn’t have other option but to protect its citizens against Islamic extremists. I would rather be afraid of Polish nationalists, including soccer hooligans who are supported by PIS. But let’s not argue anymore. Everybody has right to express his/her own opinion but shouldn’t insult the others. This is how Democracy works. So let the better candidate wins!
Isaac, everything you say is absurd! #1) Are you saying that we should condemn and denounce anti-Semitism ONLY when the person admits they are antisemitic? How many of those who engage in anti-Semitism will admit they are anti-Jewish? Since when have we, as a Jewish people, let others use that excuse to promote a harmful agenda? #2) Trzaskowski has the same goals as other anti-semitic European politicians like Merkel, who have let hordes of radical muslims into Europe. Look at all the anti-Semitic attacks perpetrated by these refugees and immigrants? Do not act as if you are unaware of them! You know that the same thing will happen to Poland, and Trzaskowski and his anti-Semitic party will allow it. #3) Are you implying that our beloved Israel is the ONLY country in the world that is allowed to protect her people? Is only Israel allowed to have high walls and prevent foreigners from attacking and destroying the demographics and safety of the people already there? We both know that Israel is an ethnostate. It is a country for the Jewish people first and foremost. If the Israeli government stops protecting her people, who will do it for us? It is the same with Poland…. Who will protect the Polish people, if the Polish government will stop doing so? Again, I’m very fortunate and proud of my government. The Israeli government protects Israeli girls against “love jihad” and other muslim schemes to corrupt our young Jewish girls. There was a book targeted to Israeli schoolchildren about a romance between a Jewish girl and Palestinian boy. That book was banned by our government because they labeled it a „threat to our Jewish identity.” If Israel had the exact same situation and neighbors as Poland, you know very well that someone like Trzaskowski would never be allowed to have any political position of significance. We wouldn’t risk it! #4) It is a farce that Polish nationalists are more dangerous to Jews in Poland than the muslim radicals living in western Europe. You deliberately are trying to mislead and scare people against Duda and his government. The antisemitism in Germany and other western European countries is a deadly form of antisemitism. Jews have been murdered in France and Germany. Denying this fact to improve Trzaskowski’s poor image and slander Duda will only lead to more Jews being hurt. We need to stand up against the growing rise of Islamism in Europe and those who use words like “antisemitism” as a mask to hide their own antisemitism. Most Jews aren’t fooled. Most of us know who are the real anti-Semites. Its obvious why we are safer in Poland than in Germany, France, Sweden, or the Netherlands. I am not afraid to “argue”. You will not silence me! I will always will be a defender of my people! I will never apologize for being a patriot and being Jewish! #5) Will you admit Duda, having won the election… is the better candidate?
Israel Bans Novel on Arab-Jewish Romance From Schools for ‘Threatening Jewish Identity’
“But an EU survey on anti-Semitism in December 2018 suggested the picture in Germany was not just about the far right. 41% of those who experienced harassment said they had been targeted by those with a “Muslim extremist view”. Reacting to Muslim anti-Semitism, Felix Klein said “many of them watch Arab TV channels that convey a fatal picture of Israel and Jews”. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said the fight against anti-Semitism had grown across Europe because of migration movements in recent years.”
I’ve read Dr. Wojciechowski’s open letter and frankly I was disappointed to say the least. Paraphrasing Rhett Butler “…I don’t give a damn” who Dr. Wojciechowski is going to vote for – that is his personal decision. However, there is one basic question – what is the purpose of his letter? What Dr. Wojciechowski is trying to accomplish? I struggle to find an answer.
Dr. Wojciechowski is not presenting any compelling argument why to vote for his candidate? Is it about being “progressive”? Dr. Wojciechowski skillfully omits poor record of Mr. Trzaskowski as a president of Warsaw while putting all his attention on perceived shortcomings of the incumbent and anything what one could interpret as a conservative position. It is unfortunate that this open letter is so biased.
I find it interesting how many responded favorably to Dr. Wojciechowski’s letter by quickly resort to name calling and shaming in order to discredit any potential opposing views. Such behavior is undemocratic and questionably patriotic. It seems that these responders, assuming they lived in Poland in the 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s, forgot (or maybe not?) that type of conduct was almost exclusively used by those on the Left. Perhaps they are taking a queue on identity politics from American Far-Left.
The letter is missing to address who is a better candidate to represent Polish interests domestically and internationally – which candidate is better equipped to be independent from foreign influence and is true to national identity – who has better qualities to be country’s manager and leader.
Dr. Wojciechowski failed to make the case for his preferred candidate. Economic and political accomplishments of Poland under current leadership and the necessity to stay the course of economic growth and national security makes President Duda a better choice. So thank you Dr. Wojciechowski for making this choice so clear.
Dzisiaj, przysluchujac sie tej dyskusji nalezalo by przypomniec sobie slowa naszego sp. premiera Jana Olszewskiego i odpowiedziec na pytanie nie tyle o jaka Polske walczymy ale czyja ta Polska bedzie.
Racja stanu jest dzisiaj oddzielic emocje od wyboru racjonalnego.
Pan Trzaskowski funduje nam rewolucje obyczajowa, protekcjonizm niemiecki a z czasem utrate niepodleglosci.
Nie o taka Polske walczyli nasi bohaterowie, nie za taka Polske oddawali zycie.Chcieli dumnej,wielkiej Polski, Polski wolnej i niezaleznej, dla ktorej wartosci chescijanskie sa fundamentem rozwoju.
Ta wizja Polski nie jest obca obecnemu prezydentowi, Andrzejowi Dudzie. Mozna miec jakies zastrzezenia w stosunku do niego, ale ktoz nie ma wad. Moze czasami nieudolny, niedecyzyjny ale moj Prezydent.
Prawdziwy patriota, czlowiek prawy, pielegnujacy nasza przeszlosc historyczna, przywiazanie do tradycji i wartosci rodzinnych.
Pan Trzaskowski natomiast jest wspanialym eurdyta, wlada biegle kilkoma jezykami, dowcipkuje a nawet na potrzeby kampani wiersze pisze, jest wyrazicielem najlepszych odwiecznych wartosci, tylko sam w sobie nie jest wartoscia. Jezeli ktos nie jest zakorzeniony w wartosci, to nigdy nie poprowadzi ku prawdzie.
Pamietajmy, ze te wybory to walka o Polske bialo-czerwona, nie teczowa, nie brukselska i my zadecydujemy czy bedziemy ja mieli czy staniemy sie Zjednoczonym Stanem Europy, przylaczonym do Niemiec.
Dlatego oddam glos na pana Andrzeja Dude”zeby Polska byla Polska”
A na koniec przypomne slowa naszego kochanego Papieza Jana Pawla II:
“Wolnosc jest tylko wowczas, gdy Narod tworzy jednosc, a lud w nim zyjacy czuje sie wlodarzem a nie zas niewolnikiem garstki opetanych”
Po pierwsze, w normalnych krajach związki partnerskie dla osób LGBT+ to nie żadna “rewolucja obyczajowa” tylko standard, cywilizacyjne minimum przyzwoitości. Nazywanie takich osób “ideologią” to natomiast przejaw upadku moralnego, który symbolizuje Duda, zwany w Polsce Adrianem. Nie ma nic partiotycznego w ksenofobii, nietolerancji, walce z kobietami, homofobii. Przeciwnie, to bardzo antypartiotyczna postawa, charakterystyczna dla piewców Orbana, Erdogana czy Łukaszenki, czyli idoli PiS. Nie ma dziś w Polsce nic bardziej antypolskiego niż PiS.
Po drugie, to co najmniej nie na miejscu, żeby przewodnicząca lokalnej komisji wyborczej w tak jawny, publiczny, emocjonalny sposób zabierała głos po stronie jednego kandydata.
Wojna Polsko – Polska trwa. Zacietrzewienie w Narodzie rośnie.
Sąsiedzi z lewa i z prawa zacierają ręce.
Pan Zbyszku, każdy ma prawo głosować na swojego kandydata bez promowania go na forum społecznościowym, jak postąpił szanowny Pan.
W tysiącach artykułów, dyskusjach, opiniach, analizach, wszystko już zostało opisane, przegadane, przetrawione i zmielone przed II turą. Każdy z nas ma od dawna ukształtowaną własna opinię na temat obecnych kandydatów.
W Waszych rękach są w zdecydowanej większości media krajowe, europejskie i amerykańskie. Pozwoli Pan ze zacytuje mu Ziemkiewicza:
“….prawie wszystko, czym przez ostatnie pięć lat zarzucały Polaków lewicowo-liberalne media, na czym skupiały uwagę, wokół czego nakręcały emocje, było zwyczajnie z d. wzięte”
Dlatego, zwracam się do niezdecydowanych:
Czy chcecie Polski „teoretycznej”, gdzie ch…, du…. i kamieni kupa”, takiej nowoczesnej, europejskiej, liberalnej, wyzwolonej, bez zasad i wartości moralnych?
Czy chcecie Polski normalnej, tradycyjnej, broniącej interesu Polaków, dającej ludziom prawo do ambicji większych niż zbieranie szparagów u bauera:
Darek W.
P.S. Proszę, przedstawcie Polakom jakiś program wyborczy, poza “totalnym antypisem” i “żeby było jak było”. Stać Was chyba na więcej?
Moj wpis zostal usuniety…. komunistyczna cenzura czy niemieckie pieniadze za tym stoja? Pewnie to tez usuniecie… ale to nic, Duda i tak wygra…..
Moja odpowiedz tez w ciagu kilku sekund zostala wczoraj odrzucona, ale dzisiaj widze, ze z wieloma innymi opiniami i to niekoniecznie popierajacych stanowisko oryginalnego autora, zostala umieszczona ponizej. Cakjowicie zgadzam sie z Twoja opinia, nota bene bardzo ostra i dosadna. PO, ktore nie ma nic nowego do zaoferowania Polakom i w duzym stopniu kopiuje, lub poiera programy PiSu, jak 500+, 13-ta emerytura i inne. PO wciaz nie moze sie rozbudzic z wieloletniej hybernacji, w ktora zapadli za czasow Misia Komorowskiego. Tak jak piszesz, “PO przestanie istniec”, jesli nie odnowi swojego programu.
Żadna odpowiedź do tego wpisu nie została odrzucona.
Ze względu na inne obowiązki uaktualniających stronę, komentarze nie zawsze mogą być szybko zatwierdzane.
It is both a diversion and distraction to suggest that Duda receiving credit for 500+ (or any other successful PiS initiative for that matter) is somehow wholly undeserved. Whether he personally brainstormed these initiatives or not, he had the political clout and opportunity to oppose them (especially when it was a political gamble to lend support to such initiatives). Yet, Duda did no such thing. Hopefully the electorate doesn’t suffer from amnesia. Weren’t Trzaskowski’s very own party comrades Donald Tusk and Jacek Rostowski against 500+? I’m sure they had their reasons…Primarily it was due to the fact that the well-being of the average Pole is the least of Civic Platform’s concerns, but secondarily its politicians lack the courage and fortitude to support ideas that may jeopardize their political careers (thereby upsetting their benefactors).
It is clear that Trzaskowski is disingenuous in his support for 500+ and in his motives for doing so. He has no choice but to publicly feign support for such a popular program as it would be political suicide to be against it in the current political climate.
As is the case with partisan politics, Trzaskowski’s role in the ecological failure involving sewage flowing into the Vistula is erroneously minimized and deflected onto the national government. Had someone from PiS done the very same thing as mayor of Warsaw, Trzaskowski and his comrades would have invited a team of EU ecologists to demand an investigation with the end goal of laying the blame on the Mayor of Warsaw. Fortunately, the national government came to the rescue, otherwise further ecological harm would have occurred. It is not the first time a PiS government averted a PO created crisis.
The radical LGBT agenda clearly has an advocate in Trzaskowski. Their vision for a “dragqueen story hour” and adopting UN approved guidelines for teaching of masturbation to children as young as 5 years old, is not something that any sane country which values children would support. LGBT advocates will continue with their demands until they have full control over everyone’s lives, including the lives of our children. The trojan horse was the false narrative that as long as the LGBT community is allowed to do whatever they desire in their private lives, it bears no negative consequences on society as a whole. Ultimately, it never was a matter of granting personal freedom to people in the LGBT community. It was about taking away the freedom of those who are not LGBT (which represents the majority of society). The United States is an example, where drag queens have exposed their genitals to children under the false pretext of a book reading (Hennepin County Library, Minnesota). If the LGBT lobbyists had their way, this kind of child abuse would be mandatory for all children. They want to groom young children in order to increase the LGBT lobby’s power and influence.
Furthermore, the LGBT agenda is anti-science and more of a cult or pseudo-religion. A woman is someone who lacks a Y chromosome. A man has a Y chromosome. It’s as simple as that! Science and facts do not automatically agree with whatever happens to be politically correct ideology at this point in time. Rather, science and facts are dictated by nature and truth. This is very inconvenient for those espousing the radical LGBT agenda. They seek to confuse the public by manipulating the emotions and good intentions of people. They fail to acknowledge that homosexuals are vastly overrepresented as pedophilic abusers. While the ratio of men attracted to females vs males is roughly 20:1 within the general population, child victims of pedophilia are roughly 2:1 female victims vs male victims. This overrepresentation is deliberately hidden from public and this disparity should be addressed. The same can be demonstrated regarding gender dysphoria, where the LGBT community purports it to be something normal and positive. Those who care about the health of the nation should not let themselves be held hostage to an unhealthy and dangerous LGBT agenda.
Yesterday they wore red, today they wear rainbows.
San Ant brawo! POlszewicy kradli i pozwalali krasc przez osiem lat wiec “piniedzy na to nie ma i nie bedzie”. Polska stawala sie landem niemieckim, wiekszosc tytulow gazet w niemieckich rekach, postkomuna poprzejmowala za bezcen inne media wiec antypolski jad leje sie jak scieki do Wisly w Warszawie….. Teraz kiedy wreszcie ktos zajal sie polskimi sprawami, gospodarka glupcze, POplecznicy niemieccy i cala ta ich propaganda chce wplynac na wynik wyborow w Polsce…. Ostatni raz niemieccy hitlerowcy rzadzili w Polsce, zginelo z ich barbarzynskich rak ponad 6 milionow obywateli polskich…. Na to Polacy nigdy nie pozwola…. Na Prezydenta RP wybierzemy Polaka z Krakowa, pana Andrzeja Dude!
Do nastepnych wyborow parlamentarnych w Polsce PO przestanie istniec…. wiec przymilanie sie do POlszewikow nic tu nie da panie Wojciechowski…. Powodzenia w resurekcji PO nie zycze….
San Ant brawo! POlszewicy kradli i pozwalali krasc przez osiem lat wiec “piniedzy na to nie ma i nie bedzie”. Polska stawala sie landem niemieckim, wiekszosc tytulow gazet w niemieckich rekach, postkomuna poprzejmowala za bezcen inne media wiec antypolski jad leje sie jak scieki do Wisly w Warszawie….. Teraz kiedy wreszcie ktos zajal sie polskimi sprawami, gospodarka glupcze, POplecznicy niemieccy i cala ta ich propaganda chce wplynac na wynik wyborow w Polsce…. Ostatni raz niemieccy hitlerowcy rzadzili w Polsce, zginelo z ich barbarzynskich rak ponad 6 milionow obywateli polskich…. Na to Polacy nigdy nie pozwola…. Na Prezydenta RP wybierzemy Polaka z Krakowa, pana Andrzeja Dude!
Do nastepnych wyborow parlamentarnych w Polsce PO przestanie istniec…. wiec przymilanie do POlszewikow nic tu nie da panie Wojciechowski…. Powodzenia w resurekcji PO nie zycze….
At least one communist collaborator would have voted for Rafał Trzaskowski…
His own mother Teresa Trzaskowska. She betrayed fellow Poles by spying and reporting on them to the brutal communist secret police. Rafał Trzaskowski is simply following in his mother’s footsteps by engaging in political activities that are detrimental to the Polish nation.
Nie prosiłem o informacje na kogo nie będzie głosował Pan dr Wojciechowski, ale skoro to upublicznił to również informuje:
Nie będę głosował na kandydata Pana Rafała Trzaskowskiego.
Powyższy esej dr Wojciechowskiego to profesjonalnie napisana jednostronna propaganda przedwyborcza powielająca pewien schemat, który – “Presents factually sounding statements in order to project credibility. It does not matter if statements are correct or incorrect. They only need correctly or incorrectly support conclusions. Uninformed person might unfortunately follow proposed narrative.”
Smuci zbyt częste, zwłaszcza gdy brakuje przekonywujących argumentów, używanie stwierdzeń mających określić negatywnie osobę o innych poglądach i tak dobrze znane nam z lokalnej polityki tzw. „identity politics” – zamykanie jakiekolwiek dyskusji oczerniając przeciwników (także w powyższych komentarzach) jako „xenophobes, homophobes, misogynists, racists,” czy cytując autora artykułu dr Wojciechowskiego, “all sorts of phobias including homophobia, LGBT phobia, gender phobia”.
Oburzenie budzi określenie cytowane prosto z popierających dr Wojciechowskiego komentarzy: “fascist party in Polish Parlament” — do takich kłamliwych określeń mogą posuwać się tylko jawni wrogowie Polski (mam nadzieję że nieliczni), osoby nietolerancyjne (społecznie i politycznie), albo osoby nie rozumiejące znaczenia tego co piszą.
Ciekawe są też “wyważone” komentarze popierające dr Wojciechowskiego począwszy od “calowania w dudę” do określenia czytelników artykułu prof. Thompson, w otwarcie uwłaczający sposób jako “specific group of people,” a dalej bardziej precyzyjnie jako “ciemny lud.”
Warto się zastanowić kogo wybieramy na przywódcę Państwa i zadać sobie podstawowe i najistotniejsze pytanie — Kto będzie lepiej reprezentował interesy Polaków i Polski?
A kogo będzie nagradzała medalami Kanclerz Merkel i kogo będą poklepywać po plecach biurokraci z Brukseli czy znany „filantrop” Soros? Wydawać się powinno, że osoba, która bez emocji przeanalizuje fakty nie powinna mieć żadnych wątpliwości na kogo głosować.
Zidentyfikowany jako członek “specific group of people” i “ciemny lud” nie będę głosował na Rafala Trzaskowskiego (oponenta prezydenta Dudy).
Miejmy nadzieje ze przekaz i intencje dr Wojciechowskiego skierowane do “specific group of people” i “ciemnego ludu” są jednoznaczne i dlatego zagłosują na Prezydenta Dudę.
Leftist, Zbigniew Wojciechowski has written: “I am not casting my vote for the incumbent President of Poland”. My response: I do not care! Anybody cares who he will cast his vote for? His too-long and boring “opinion” sounds very familiar. Names and locations have been changed, but the content sounds like countless articles written against US President Donald Trump and Republican Party. Also, I disagree with the content of his opinion’s last sentence, “But if any parliamentary majority, or …..” I remember that power could be taken too far, it had already happened during Communism in Poland.
The author extensively criticizes conservatives as believers of “antisemitism, bigotry, racial injustice and radical sentiments”, and writes the following about President Duda: “he preaches all sorts of phobias including, homophobia, LGBT phobia, gender phobia.”
I have been living in US for over 44 years and have been visiting Poland quite regularly, at least once per year. Spent even almost 3 years on full-time assignment in Poland with American Company. Have seen unquestionable and continues progress and improvements in every aspect of Polish life, since Poland has regained It’s freedom, regardless of the political affiliation of the consecutive ruling governments. However, without any doubt and positively, have seen the best of our Old Country in the last five years, under leadership of President Duda and conservative PiS party.
“San Ant”, yes money was found for the 500+ plus by taking it from other programs paid for by Polish taxpayers. Giving out free money for nothing is a great way to get votes. If Duda wins re-election it is because he is giving out money left and right for nothing. No better way to win an election than to buy people’s votes. Duda couldn’t even win Texas after visiting here a year ago. If you consider the second article more biased, at least the author didn’t insult voters. Ewa Thompson called people who voted for Trzaskowski former Communists. When lacking factual arguments, the easy way out is to call people Communists.
What program “Natalia”? Maybe from VAT leaking abroad.
Do you know how many children got out of the poverty in Poland because this and other social programs were created? Do you think that the governments in Germany, Sweden or other countries does not subsidize families with children? You live in USA where the social programs are very limited. But in Europe situation is completely different and Poland is in Europe not in America. And if you are talking about Texas I can give you few examples how people were complementing President Duda visit with the remarks how great is the President. And now after one year they are spitting on him. Shame.
I fully agree with the letter and intentions of Dr. Wojciechowski’s comment. Under the PiS leadership Poland dropped down and I is still sliding down towards civilization ‘black hole’. The fascist party in Polish Parliament! – where is the President? One can give multiple examples above what Dr. Wojciechowski is describing. Poland in Europe is looked at as strange creature, culturally isolated and disliked – our presence in NATO doesn’t change this. ‘Widespread hypocrisy’ as Mr. Żakowski wrote in Polityka few months ago. …’we are going to pay hefty price for it, maybe we are already paying it”…he added. What President Duda thinks about it? We have a chance to stop it, change it. Recovery will be long and painful but we must try it. This is what elections are for.
Wiadomo od dawna postkomuna , żałosne
Poles openly voted for results, with which they were satisfied and re-elected the incumbant government last year. We will continue to do this until we are no longer satisfied. The beauty of democracy.
Poland’s President, regardless of party affiliation, should take partial credit for legislation simply because of their veto power.
All conservatives and many independents are turned off by the identity politics of the far left. Identity politics always ends in mutual suicide, because it is too easy to call anyone a racist, a homophobe, xenophobe, etc….. Your group and way of thinking will be next once it falls out of favor. The “silent majorities” exist and elect centrists and conservatives simply because most people have more important matters to address.
This division by identity politics is harmful to any state or society. As Mr. Orwell’s Animal Farm eloquently stated: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.
No individual is perfect but we must learn from the Jeffersons and Kościuszkos of the 18th century who showed us the way, and not defame them as recently has become vogue.
That’s rubbish. What is really harmful for societies is hatred in disguise. Many homo- and xenophobes are first to cry out loud that their “opinions” are not seen as reasonable or accepted. Well, if you are a “kołtun”, expect to be treated accordingly 🙂
Please read your history. All leftist revolutions end in death and disaster, usually in the millions:
1. French Revolution.
2. Bolshevik Revolution.
3. Chinese Cultural Revolution.
4. Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
This is why the revolutionists want to rewrite history instead of learning from it. And unfortunately this is being attempted in the USA today.
Ask any Pole from 1960 about Katyn or AK. Erased.
Ask any Chinese from 2020 about Tianamin Square. Censored.
I’m sorry but leftist revolutions are death traps in “social justice” disguise. Unless you also want to rewrite historical facts?
Ludzie widza wyczyny Dudy – i jego obietnice te same co 5 lat temu bo nic z tego nie zrobiono. Nic dziwnego ze powstalo mocno obrazliwe powiedzenie: “Pocaluj mnie w dude”.
WB, piszesz kompletne bzdury, nic nie wiesz, niestety, a glos zabierasz… poczytaj troche wiadomości i dokształć sie…
Jakie wyczyny prezydenta Dudy ….,prosimy o konkrety.Takie ogólniki nie maja żadnej wartości.
Stwierdzenie ze żadne obietnice prezydenta przez 5 lat sie nie spełniły jest calkowita nieprawda wprowadzających niezorientowanych w błąd,
Jak bedziesz chciał to możemy przejść do faktow tych prawdziwych faktow,
Na końcu nie wypada obrażać wulgaryzmami prezydenta Polski nawet jak sie na Niego nie glosuje.
Thank you for your wise words. This is not the first time Ewa Thomposon takes part in Law and Justice’s far right propaganda. Voting for Duda is choosing abuse of power, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and eventually Polexit. Partiots vote for some brighter future of Poland than this.
Outstanding editorial. The problem is that Eva Thompson article is directed to specific group of people. Several years ago “Propaganda minister” the biggest cynic in polish politics Jacek Kurski said “To lipa ale ciemny lud to kupi”.
I was reading Dr Wojciechowski editorial and truly speaking I was amazed. The editorial is even more biased against PiS and Duda than Ewa Thompson article against Trzaskowski I could write so long article as Dr Wojciechowski but I know that there is no space or time to do it. Just wanted to present simple facts:
1.When PiS proposed 500+ program Minister of Finance of PO said: piniendzy nie ma i nie będzie. And what – PiS found it or not?
2. Deficit of financial budget was decreasing every year and this year (before pandemia) suppose to be balanced.
3. Let’s talk about retirement age. Mr Trzaskowski voted to increase retirement age but during campaign he conveniently forgot about it.
4. Did we forget how successful he was as a president of Warsaw? How many disasters happened during his short presidency?
And so and so on.
Finally I would like only to remind Dr Wojciechowski that in Poland government governs not President. But on the other hand the success can be achieved only if the President will be able to work with Prime Minister and government and it happened. So please do not disqualify President as Dr Wojciechowski is doing